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The book "Yehoshua" describes the period of the conquest of the land of Canaan by the tribes of Israel, who made an exodus from Egypt in 1312 BC. After forty years of wandering in the wilderness, the people led by Moshe came to the borders of the land promised by God.

Moshe died, and the Almighty commanded Yehoshua, his disciple and successor: "Get up, cross this Yarden." The goal of conquest is not the destruction of people, but the destruction of idolatry. All who refuse the worship of deities may live with dignity in the holy land side by side with the sons of Israel. 

What about those who refuse? They must leave. But if they start a war after they have seen the miracles of God, then they themselves are responsible for everything that will happen to them. 

Yehoshua informed the inhabitants of the land of Canaan about all this before starting a war against their kings. 

But why is idolatry disgusting to the Almighty? Everyone could worship the higher powers, as he understands, and be a worthy person. 

But in the ancient world, idolatry was associated with disgusting depraved acts that were performed in honor of deities, and the sacrifice of human sacrifices in front of stone or copper images. 

Idolatry is the root of all problems. It destroys the individual and society. Stories about deities who commit adultery, engage in incest, insidiously kill and deceive, sound like a call to imitate those who supposedly rule this world. Idolatry is incompatible with morality, honesty, showing mercy to one's neighbor. Therefore, the Torah says: "Do not do such deeds (that are done) in the land of Egypt, where you lived. And do not do such deeds (that are done) in the land of Canaan, where I am leading you (so that you live) there" (Vayikra , 18:3). "For they burn their sons and daughters in fire for their gods" (Devarim, 12:31). 

"Shatter their altars, and break their memorials (stones) (Deuteronomy 7:5). 

And in order to exclude the influence of the peoples of the earth, worshiping deities, on the sons of Israel, the Almighty ordered: "Do not enter into an alliance with them, and do not let them live (in your land)" (Dvarim, 7: 2)._cc781905-5cde-3194- bb3b-136bad5cf58d_

The land of Israel should become a center of holiness, from which blessings and true knowledge of God spread to other countries. Such a task was entrusted to the chosen people already at the time of the giving of the Torah: "And you will be to me a kingdom of priests and a holy people"   (Shemot, 19: 6) - teachers and a personal example for all mankind._cc781905- 5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_

Details of the miracles performed by the Almighty to grant the holy land to His chosen people, the successes and failures of the sons of Israel, the exploits in the war and the difficulties in settling the earth - all this is in the book "Yehoshua". 


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