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It is no secret that in our literature there is a lot of incomprehensible, and therefore, causing anxiety in modern man. But in this commentary, everything makes sense, becomes accessible and acceptable to a comprehensively educated reader. The author knows how to reveal the images of prophetic heroes books, determine their motives for behavior, relationships
with God and with people. Anyone who gets acquainted with the books of Rav Zeev Meshkov learns to project the past onto the present, which makes it possible to understand current events in the light of our history, and most importantly, to see the prospects for the development of our society.

Felix Kandel
Writer, playwrighter, screenwriter, journalist.

It is amazing that everything stated in the book is compiled on the basis of comments on the book of Joshua
commentators of all times, beginning with the ancient Midrash and including the classical early and
later rabbinical writings on the subject. Perhaps nothing like this exists in any language, including Hebrew. After all, it was not necessary
not only to read and select a huge amount of material, but also to weave it all into one piece of fine fabric, so that the reader could
familiarize yourself with complex comments. The book enriches not only with a clear picture of the military
political aspects of the conquest of Israel, but also a mass of new information about the land of Israel
archaeological and geographical order.

Rav Yosef Mendelevich

The prophets gained special significance
for the Jewish people only with the beginning of the national revival and the return of the forefathers to the land. Then interest arose both in the wars that Yehoshua waged, and in the era of judges, when from
separate tribes a people was formed, and to the activities of the prophet Shmuel, who breathed in a new
spirit into the sons of Israel, and to the period of the kings, when the state took shape and acquired its face, and to
The temple that has played such a big role throughout history.
With the publication of a unique commentary in Russian, the correction of historical injustice begins: a large number of people
opportunity to get to know our
historical experience.

Рав Зеев Султанович, ученик рав Цви Йеуда Кука, зацаль.

My name is Dani Grits and I live in Maale Adumim. wanted to say a huge thank you to you for your books on the prophets - reads just like a gripping adventure novel...


Thank you. I teach at Ulpena Zviya in Maale Adumim in grades 7-8.
It seems to me that everything related to the destruction of the Temple in this book
they do not teach properly, with due understanding and seriousness due to lack of time. Highly
I hope you can continue the project, which is certainly blessed.

Anna Gutrov.

Readers write

The content is written in clear and easy to read language and provides rich and varied material for teachers, and is fascinating material for anyone who wishes to delve into the deeper meaning of traditional Jewish texts on their own. The books also contain additional articles written by Rabbi Meshkov, related to the original text, many maps and illustrations that broaden the reader's horizons and help him understand the content. It should be noted that this format is a traditional academic format, to which any Russian-speaking reader interested in this type of literature is already accustomed.

Dr. Rina Banti, Ministry of Education

I recently had the pleasure of acquiring a translation and commentary by Rabbi Zeev Meshkov on the Sefer Yehoshua. I shared it with two of my Russian parishioners and students. Both told me immediately how much they enjoyed and appreciated learning from the source, which made learning enjoyable rather than a chore. They described not only that the translation was crystal clear, but that the commentary provided a historical perspective and depth that gave them a much deeper understanding of G-d's Holy Torah. Everyone who had the opportunity to study and view this work asked what else this author had.

Rabbi Daniel Lerner

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